“Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
Meaningful ministry in a country where about 2/3 of the population is functionally illiterate requires attention be given to education. The enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year is over 2,000 students with a staff of 80 plus Haitian professors and administrators.
Recognizing the Godly value of a stronger spiritual emphasis for the children enrolled in the four New Hope Mission schools, Christian based Creole evangelistic and discipleship materials are incorporated into each school’s curriculum.
Recognizing the Godly value of a stronger spiritual emphasis for the children enrolled in the four New Hope Mission schools, Christian based Creole evangelistic and discipleship materials are incorporated into each school’s curriculum.

Fewer than 30% of primary school students reach 6th grade, and roughly 80% of children fail to reach secondary school.
World Ranking
Haiti ranks 177th out of 186 in the world for national spending on education
Drop Out Rate
There is a significant student drop out rate because parents can not afford the price of monthly tuition.
Teaching Methods
The standard teaching methods in Haiti are based on recitation and memorization
Each year students are required to pass standardized government testing.
NHMI Success
NHMI students have an overwhelming success rate (average above 90%) in government testing of our graduating children into secondary education.